Packaging requirements for common channels to avoid over-length and over-weight surcharges


  1. Unilateral control within 1.2 meters;
  2. A single piece is controlled within 70KG;


  1. The longest side is controlled within 1.2m, and the second longest side is controlled within 76cm;
  2. A single piece is controlled within 30KG (regardless of actual weight or volume weight);
  3. The outer packaging needs to be a carton, without wrapping film, packing tape, etc.;
  4. Length+(width+height)*2<300cm;


  1. Unilateral control within 1.5 meters;
  2. A single piece is controlled within 70KG;


  1. The longest side is controlled within 1.2m, and the second longest side is controlled within 76cm;
  2. A single piece is controlled within 68KG;
  3. Length+(width+height)*2<266cm;

American Air Sea Pie

  1. Unilateral control within 1.2 meters;
  2. A single piece is controlled within 10-22KG;
  3. Length+(width+height)*2<266cm;

Air to sea trucks to other countries

  1. The longest side is controlled within 1/1.2m;
  2. The single piece is controlled within 10/12/15-30KG;
  3. Length+(width+height)*2<266cm;


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