How is the perimeter of international express calculated?


As a professional international express agency, CZL Express (Cangzheng International Express) understands the significance of girth calculation in package costs. In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of how the girth of international express packages is calculated.

Firstly, what is girth? Girth refers to the perimeter of an express package, which is the sum of its length, width, and height. In international express transportation, girth plays an essential role in calculating package size and weight. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how girth is calculated.

Next, the calculation of girth is as follows: Length + (Width + Height) × 2. For example, if a package has a length of 30 cm, width of 20 cm, and height of 10 cm, the girth of the package is 30 cm + (20 cm + 10 cm) × 2 = 80 cm.

Lastly, the calculation of girth is closely related to package costs. In international express transportation, the size and weight of a package will affect the calculation of shipping fees, especially in air transportation situations. If a package’s girth exceeds the logistics company’s standard, it will be charged at a larger size, resulting in additional cost burdens for you.

In conclusion, understanding the method of girth calculation is essential for choosing appropriate packaging and accurately calculating shipping fees. CZL Express (Cangzheng International Express) will continue to provide efficient and professional international express services for our customers, ensuring that your packages arrive at their destination safely and quickly.


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