FedEx to Certain Countries: Receiver’s Federal Account Number May Be Required for Tax Payment, or Else Sender Will Be Charged

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As a professional international express courier agency, CZL Express is committed to providing our customers with the best quality service. Recently, we have received inquiries from some customers regarding tax payment issues for FedEx shipments to certain countries. To provide a more detailed answer, we have put together the following information for your reference.

According to FedEx regulations, the tax payment for express parcels sent to certain countries is the responsibility of the recipient. These countries include:
USA, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Venezuela, and Brazil.

In such cases, the recipient must provide a FedEx monthly settlement account number to pay the tax. If the recipient fails to provide this account number, the tax will be unconditionally transferred to the sender for payment, and an additional tax prepayment handling fee will be charged.

To provide a more convenient service to our customers, we recommend that the sender communicates with the recipient before shipping to understand the tax payment methods and relevant regulations in the destination country. At the same time, our customer service team will also provide assistance and answers according to the customer’s needs.

At CZL Express, we care not only about the transportation of parcels but also about the needs of our customers. We will continue to uphold our professional, efficient, and attentive service philosophy to provide the best quality international express courier service for everyone. If you have any questions or needs, please feel free to contact us, and we will serve you wholeheartedly.


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