How to communicate with foreign customers

1. Be familiar with the product. We must first be very familiar with our products. For example, when making clothing, we should be familiar with the style, color, size, fabric, production process, processing technology, etc. This requires a long process. So we must be attentive and learn as much as possible;
However, not all salesmen can understand everything. In this case, you don’t need to be too nervous, because customers will not ask you many questions. They only care about whether they are satisfied with the samples you sent, whether your bulk goods are delivered on time, and the freight situation (such as some small buyers, self-operated stores, etc.); they will not ask too many questions about technical parameters.

2. Good oral English does not mean good communication with customers. Maybe our oral English is really good, but sometimes we still get nervous and speak incoherently when receiving a call from a customer in an unexpected situation or even if we are well prepared. How to solve it? The key is to adjust your mentality!
Based on your familiarity with the product, when you make or receive a call, remind yourself not to be nervous. You can tell yourself: Customers are also people, just with different skin color and nationality, what is there to be afraid of? Even if I am a small salesperson and he is a large foreign buyer, everyone is equal. You must first respect yourself and value yourself. We just have different job roles, so we should respect customers instead of fearing them; moreover, many foreign customers are very nice.

3. Sincerity, composure, enthusiasm and propriety When talking on the phone with customers, no matter they are people you have met before or not, old or new, large purchaser or small retailer, good-tempered or bad-tempered, we should treat them with sincerity, composure, enthusiasm and propriety.

4. What preparations should I make before calling a customer? Generally, before I call a customer, I will use a notebook to list the things I want to talk about this time. List them one by one, leave a blank line between each question, and talk to the customer one by one. While calling, take notes with my right hand, and record every word and key words of the customer.
After the phone call, sort and organize it immediately. Send emails if necessary, keep what should be kept, and solve problems immediately; it is best not to leave them for too long. Make sure to mark the keywords, and if the most important points cannot be completed in time, also mark them as key points;
Finally, I want to say: You must stay calm! If you are not calm, customers will doubt your professionalism and the professionalism of your company's products.

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