US shipping large parcels

Centralized distribution (EXX Evergreen COSCO) FEDEX/UPS delivery T86 customs clearance (including private address fee) double customs clearance tax included
Accept vacuum-packed food, cosmetics and personal items for consolidated shipment (pork products are not accepted)
1. Only accept private items and business addresses, not Amazon addresses. The volume is 6000.
2. Accept wooden boxes. Accept large packages under 65KG. Accept single-side dimensions not exceeding 220CM. No surcharge. Limited to one piece per ticket.
3. Special-shaped packaging (cylindrical, diamond, triangular, snakeskin bag packaging) is not accepted
4. The maximum size requirement for FEDEX delivery is changed to: length + (width + height) * 2<400CM 且最长边<220CM 限一票一件,如一票多件 分票出运, 5、赔偿说明:UPS、FEDEX提取前丢失,赔偿20/KG+退运费。UPS、FEDEX提取后丢失按照UPS、FEDEX赔偿标准赔偿;如遇自然灾害等不可抗因素,本公司不做任何赔偿。 6、如因地址和客户原因造成货物被退回,我们将会收取退回的费用,并加收100元/票的操作费.如需重发,具体费用和我司沟通。 我司不承运的物品包括:仿牌, 烟草, 腐蚀性物品,猪肉类,毒品, 易燃易爆军火武器等违禁品;如发现瞒报冲货,货物没收,不退货款!!! 如我司未查出,由海关查出,引起的所有责任由发件人全部承担。

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