Impact of Irish postcode changes on your business

From July 2, 2023, all express shipments to Ireland will require the recipient's Eircode.

Overview of postcode changes in Ireland

The Republic of Ireland currently has a postal code system called Eircode (hereinafter referred to as Eircode). From July 2, 2023, all express shipments sent to Ireland will need to provide the recipient's Eircode.
Eircode is a 7-digit code consisting of letters and numbers. It is a modern and reliable system.It gives each independent family residence, commercial place, business address uniqueness.The Eircode system is also an important asset. Its introduction can provide recipients with simpler and faster services. It also helps logistics companies improve delivery speed and accuracy.
You can get more information about Eircode at:

What impact does this change have on overseas senders?

  • From 2 July 2023, when sending express shipments to the Republic of Ireland using the CZL Express electronic dispatch solution, senders will need to provide the recipient's Eircode.
  • All senders needTake action quickly, ensuring that it is not passively impacted by changes to the Irish Eircode.
  • If you lack a complete and accurate Irish Eirocode, your shipment may face the following three problems:
    1. Decreased user experience;
    2. Delays in service;
    3. Unable to ship to Ireland.

Key Points

  • Ensure your shipments to Ireland have the correct Irish Eircode and push this information to DHL's electronic shipping solutions.
  • We encourage you to use the Irish Eircode for shipment and ensure that your order management and customer management systems have the accurate Eircode of your location in Ireland.
  • If you are unsure of the recipient's Eircode information, you can use the comprehensive postcode search system to search.
  • For further information, please contact your Account Manager or your Customer IT Support team.

This message comes from DHL

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