Saudi Arabia Amazon warehouse code and address information

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Warehouse Code Location post code address
DME6 Al Madinah 42721 7607 مسلمة بن الرباب الشني، 5766, Madinah 42721, Saudi Arabia
DRY3 Riyadh 14313 3103, 7043, Al-Manakh, 3103, 7043, Riyadh 14313, Saudi Arabia
JED3 Makkah 22311 F5Q7+R2G, Jeddah Islamic Seaport, Jeddah 22311
JED4 Makkah 22311 3543 ميناء جدة الاسلامى 63, Jeddah Islamic Seaport, JIEA8567، 8567, Jeddah 22311
JED6 Makkah 22311 F5Q7+R2G, Jeddah Islamic Seaport, Jeddah 22311
RUH3 Riyadh 14273 As Sulay, 3874 SA, Riyadh 14273
RUH6 Riyadh 14273 8438, Riyadh 14273
RUH7 Riyadh 14273 MR5W+HWW، شارع ابن العميد،، حي السلى، Southern Ring Road, Riyadh 14273
RUH8 Riyadh 14327 Al Mashael, Riyadh 14327

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