Abbreviation | Chinese name | English name | French name | Source (English) |
AB | Alberta | Alberta | Alberta | The first letter of the first and second syllables |
BC | British Columbia | British Columbia | Colombie-Britannique | Acronyms |
MB | Manitoba | Manitoba | Manitoba | First and last syllable initials |
NB | New Brunswick | New Brunswick | Nouveau-Brunswick | Acronyms |
NL | Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland and Labrador | Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador | Acronyms |
NS | Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia | Nouvelle-Écosse | Acronyms |
NT | Northwest Territories | Northwest Territories | Territories of Nord-Ouest | Acronyms |
NU | Nunavut | Nunavut | Nunavut | First and second letters |
ON | ontario | Ontario | Ontario | First and second letters |
PE | Prince Edward Island | Prince Edward Island | Île-du-Prince-Édouard | The first letter of the first and second words |
QC | Quebec | Quebec | Quebec | First and last letters |
SK | Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan | The first letter of the first and second syllables |
YT[Note 1] | Yukon | Yukon | Yukon | The acronym for Yukon's former official name (Yukon Territory) |