Warehouse Code | Location | post code | address |
BCN1 | Catalonia | 8820 | Carrer de l'Alta Ribagorça, 20, 08820 El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona |
BCN2 | Catalonia | 8107 | Carrer Gorg, 1, 08107 Martorelles, Barcelona |
BCN3 | Catalonia | 8755 | Carrer Ferro, 12, 08755 Castellbisbal, Barcelona |
BCN8 | Catalonia | 8210 | Carrer de Can'Alzina, 161, 08210 Sabadell, Barcelona |
DAS1 | Asturias | 33199 | ADF Logistics Center, Pol. Industrial de Granda, 33199 Meres, Asturias |
DIC1 | Murcia | 30156 | Calle Isidro Vivancos Munoz Parque Logistico del, 30156 Murcia |
DQA2 | Andalucia | 29004 | C. Ciro Alegría, Cruz de Humilladero, 29004 Málaga |
DQA4 | Andalucia | 41011 | Amazon Logistics – DQA4, Poligono Industrial ZAL, C. Esclusa, 4, 41011 Sevilla |
DQB1 | Basque Country | 48196 | Pol.Ind. La Cruz, parcela P2-10, 48196 Lezama, Biscay |
IBC2 | Catalonia | 8210 | Carrer de Can'Alzina, 161, 08210 Sabadell, Barcelona |
MAD4 | Madrid | 28830 | Av. Astronomía, 24, 28830 San Fernando de Henares, Madrid |
MAD6 | Castilla-La Mancha | 45200 | Av. Logística, 13, 45200 Illescas, Toledo |
MAD7 | Castilla-La Mancha | 45200 | Carretera Antigua Carretera Madrid-Toledo, 38D, 45200 Illescas |
MAD8 | Madrid | 28906 | Calle Rachel Carson, 1, 28906 Madrid |
MAD9 | Madrid | 28804 | 28804 Alcala de Henares, Madrid |
OVD1 | Asturias | 33429 | Aldea Bobes, 54, 33429 Bobes, Asturias |
RMU1 | Murcia | 30156 | Parque Logistico del Sureste, 30156 Parque Logistico del Sureste, Murcia |
SVQ1 | Andalucia | 41703 | Amazon – Svq1, Poligono La Isla, Poligono Sen, 22, 41703 Dos Hermanas, Sevilla |
UES4 | Catalonia | 8040 | Carrer Número 5, 2, Sants-Montjuïc, 08040 Barcelona |
VLC1 | Valenciana | 12220 | C. Panamá, 31, 12220 Onda, Castellón |
XESA | Castilla-La Mancha | 19208 | Av. del Río Henares, 16D, 19208 Alovera, Guadalajara |
ZAZ1 | Aragon | 50197 | JXHH+GV, 50197 Zaragoza |
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